Sunday 18 March 2012


Dap nampaknya begitu tergesa gesa meluluskan projek panel solar yang bakal di dirikan di batu kawan..di fahamkan kawasan sekitar itu juga akan di bangunkan dengan perumahan kos rendah di mana kawasan terbabit akan di huni oleh masyarakat Melayu yang berpendapatan rendah..

Taktik yang di guna pakai oleh kerajaan regim dap pulau pinang sangat licik kerana kilang panel solar itu akan mengakibatkan pencemaran toksik yang sangat bahaya kepada penduduk sekitar..

Dalam pada itu ramai juga mempersoalkan kenapa sebelum ini dap menentang projek LYNAS habis habisan?dan kenapa kali ini dengan mudahnya rejim dap meluluskan projek ini dengan segera tanpa memikirkan risiko yang bakal menimpa penduduk sekitar walaupun kilang yang serupa di negara China telah diarahkan ditutup kerana dibuktikan mendatangkan risiko kesihatan yang tinggi kepada penduduk sekitar.

SOS – Great health risk put under wraps by Guan Eng

Posted on March 8, 2012 by editor

Penangites better be warned that great health risk is lurking at your doorsteps. A massive RM2.2bil solar panel manufacturing plant had been given the go ahead by the State government.

And this was despite that a plant with similar manufacturing operations in China was forced to close down not too long ago because of health risks.

The reason – effluent from a large solar cell manufacturer in Zhejiang Province had wiped out a local fishing industry. It is a known fact that the manufacturing of Photovoltaics would pollute the environment and affect human health.

A similar threat is now looming over the Province Wellesley people in Penang where a similar plant is being built in Batu Kawan. Their fate is now in the hands of the Penang government to stop the setting up of the plant.

Although Robert Bosch GmbH claims it is delaying construction of the plant, its president for South East Asia Martin Hayes had said that the company remained committed in the construction of the plant in Penang.

However there are contradictions here. InvestPenang general manager Loo Lee Lian had said that the state government would do its best to expedite the solar panel project.

She also said that Robert Bosch had started to make payments to fulfill the terms and conditions of the sale of the 80-acre site for the plant in Batu Kawan.

Construction of the plant was scheduled to start end of last year with production process to begin end of 2013.

Baca selanjutnya kat sini

1 comment:

  1. hah....eloklah tu, sok kat penang ada zombie, yg jd zombie sumer muka muka melayu kahkahkahkah.....bodoh punya melayu penang, kena jual hidup-hidup ngan cip minister LGE....


hampa nak tulis apa apa pun tulis lah,mtk tak kisah,tapi kalau berbau ugutan korang jawablah sendiri dengan pihak polis ye.pandai pandai hampa la,mtk tak bertangungjawap sepenuhnya atas komen anda